Q: What is the hottest day of the week
A: Fry-day
Q: What do you get when you cross an Apple Computer with fast food
A: A Big Mac
Q: What's the biggest moth
A: A mam-moth
Q: What did the big chimney say to the little chimney
A: You're too young to smoke
Q: What's red and white
A: Pink!
Q: What is the healthiest insect
A: A vitamine bee
Q: Why did the singer climb a ladder
A: To get to the high notes
Q: Why did the student bring a ladder to school
A: Because she was going to high school
Q: What happened to the plant in math class
A: It grew square roots
One man says: Do you know the joke of 'no me neither'
The other says: No
The first replies: Me neither
Q: What's the difference between chopped beef and pea soup
A: Everyone can chop beef, but not everyone can pea soup
Q: Why did the elephant bring toilet paper to a party
A: Because he was a party pooper
Q: What do you call a boomerang that doesn't work
A: A stick
Q: How many letters are in the alphabet
A: 8: a-l-p-h-a-b-e-t
Q: Forwards I'm heavy, but backwards I'm not. What am I
A: Ton. 'ton' backwards is 'not'
Q: What is as big as an elephant, but weighs nothing at all
A: An elephants shadow
Q: Who has hands but cannot clap
A: The clock
Q: What do the letter 't' and an island have in common
A: Water. An island is surrounded by water and the letter 't' is in the word waTer.
Q: A certain five letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it. What is the word
A: Short. short + er = shorter
Q: There are three stoves. A glass stove, a brick stove and a wood stove. You have one match. Which do you light up first
A: The match
Q: Why is it against the law, for a person living in New York to be buried in California
A: He is Alive. " . . . living in California . . . "
Q: What is so fragile that when you say it, it breaks
A: Silence
Q: A boy and a doctor went fishing. The boy is the doctor's son but the doctor is not the boy's father. Who is the doctor
A: His mother
Q: How many species of each animal did Moses take with him on the arch
A: Zero! It wasn't Moses, it was Noah.
Q: The maker doesn't need it, the owner doesn't want it, the user doesn't know he's using it.
What is it
A: A coffin
Q: A cowboy went to London on his horse. It took 2 days to get there, he stayed for a day and it
took him 1 day to get back. He went on Friday and came back on Friday! How.
A: His horse was named Friday!
Q: I have keys, but no locks. I have space, but no room. You can enter, but can't come in.
What am I
A: A keyboard
Q: A rooster lays an egg on a barn roof, which way does it roll.
A: Neither way, roosters don't lay eggs!
Q: How much dirt is there in a hole that is 3 feet wide, 6 feet long and 4 feet deep
A: None, there is no dirt in a hole
Q: Some months have 31 days and some 30, but how many have 28
A: All 12, but some just have more!
So there was many jokes hope you like them. Tell me what you think in the comments. Bye! :)
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